concept + brief
826 National runs youth tutoring and writing centers, each with its own quirky, fantasy storefront. Our challenge was to create a typographic solution that fit the national brand while coming up with a playful, city-specific theme.
This process began with a thorough analysis and research of our chosen city - completed in pairs. My partner for the presentation was Jenna Vineyard, and with our powers combined we learned about the origins of Baton Rouge’s culture, and how its past has shaped the people who live there, and how they view the city today.
The visual moodboard for the brand essence went through many changes and phases, each further refining the concept.
visual iterations
With each moodboard evolution and visual iteration, the essence of Baton Rouge is expressed just a little differently. The process is all about narrowing down an audience and design goal, and expressing a specific idea that is in line with their values. These two visual explorations were to express the very first ideas I had for Baton Rouge’s very own 826 store.
making changes
This design process was a weekly check-in for visual direction for our brand, printing out large images for our instructors to see and mark up as they saw fit. I began to think about the brand more conceptually and from the ground up, starting the logo process.
forming a system
This project was my first time working on a branding campaign from start to finish, and I quickly realized it’s a much bigger process than just making a logo. This is a process that requires reworking, revisiting, and making sure every step of the process is in line with the values and concept behind the brand.
With our visual brand message more clear, it was time to think about what kind of products would be sold at our store. The brand must reflect the values of the city while also being fun, off-the-wall, and kid friendly, so the products must follow suit. The concept behind this fantasy store was to inspire kids (and grown-ups too) to get outside, collect bugs, and plant native flowers to help rebuild the local ecosystem, for anyone who loves digging in the dirt, and isn’t afraid to get up close with the snakes and worms that call Louisiana home.
color system
This color system pulls from the lush, green landscapes and swamps of Louisiana, and blends it with the royal purple associated with Mardi Gras and Louisiana State University’s team colors.
type + logos
SPAWN boasts a wide range of products in its storefront, from creature and plant spawners to containers, bags, and trading cards. Baton Rouge is all about its rich history, vibrant culture, and strong ties to the local wildlife and landscapes. People there love their sports just as much as they love the outdoors.
mobile app integration
There is even an app integration program prompting exploration outside of the store. Kids can Google Lens-style scan creatures in the world and SPAWN will bring up the animal's facts and stats.
storefront + signage
major insights // what i learned
Since this was my first branding project, I learned a ton about research and how vital it is to the process. Even though I’ve never been to Baton Rouge, diving into its history and culture was really eye-opening. I definitely discovered a love for research during this project, and it ended up being one of the most valuable things I took away from the experience.